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Partenariat pour un impact accru : le DG d’AfricaRice accueille la PDG de la Fondation Mastercard à la station régionale pour le Sahel
Visite de la PDG de Fondation Mastercard à AfricaRice
Collaboration AfricaRice MEADEN Projet VIVA Bénoué
AfricaRice et les responsables du projet VIVA Bénoué ont signé un accord visant à améliorer la production rizicole au Cameroun pour...
AfricaRice teams up with Colorado State University, Cornell University and IRD
AfricaRice teams up with Colorado State University, Cornell University and IRD to build capacity of young scientists in advanced crop...
AfricaRice wins prestigious Al-Sumait Prize 2019
Recognizing the important role of the Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) in enhancing food security in Africa, the Board of Trustees of the...
AfricaRice Annual Report 2018 highlights work on sustainable rice production in the face of climate
The sense of urgency regarding climate change issues is growing around the world and in Africa, in particular, which is most at risk to...
AfricaRice commits to global effort towards healthy diets on World Food Day 2019
The theme for this year’s World Food Day is “Our actions are our future – healthy diets for a #ZeroHunger World.” Improving food and...
Malagasy women farmers lead the way in closing the rice yield gap through Good Agricultural Practice
(Blog post courtesy of AfricaRice-Madagascar team based on discussions on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women 2019 with...
Seed enterprises from 8 African countries trained in hybrid rice seed production
Seed enterprises from 8 African countries trained in hybrid rice seed production and quality assurance at AfricaRice Training Center in...
RiceAdvice app in the spotlight at AGRF 2019 exhibition
RiceAdvice – a science-backed decision support tool that provides farm-specific advice on rice management practices in Africa – drew the...
AfricaRice and Africa Harvest join forces with national partners to boost East Africa’s rice...
AfricaRice and Africa Harvest join forces with national partners to boost East Africa’s rice productivity and competitiveness Project to...
AfDB-TAAT promotes trailblazing hybrid rice technology adapted to Africa
16 August 2019, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The Rice Compact of the African Development Bank-funded project on Technologies for African...
AfricaRice teams up with national partners to sustainably intensify rice-based systems in Africa
15 July 2019, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice), in close collaboration with national partners, has launched a...
AfricaRice hybrid rice varieties spark seed companies’ interest in Africa
9 July 2019, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. A set of four high-yielding hybrid rice varieties with excellent grain quality, developed by...
Phosphorus placement and water-saving technologies can improve rice production
Phosphorus placement and water-saving technologies can improve rice production in phosphorus-deficient lowlands in SSA Lowland rice...
Representatives from nine African countries call for increased investment in rice milling
The critical role and investment needs of rice milling to accelerate rural transformation in Africa were highlighted during a workshop on...
Launch of CIPRiSSA-Gambia report
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has mandated AfricaRice to lead the development of ‘Continental Investment Plan for accelerating Rice...
Ambassador of Venezuela in Benin, accompanied by FAO and ADERIZ representatives, visit AfricaRice
A delegation led by the Ambassador of Venezuela in Benin, Her Excellency Mme Belen Teresa ORSINI PIC (with jurisdiction over Cote...
Gabon delegation visits AfricaRice to strengthen collaboration
Dr Marie Joselle Pélagie Istana, Technical Advisor, Head of Scientific Research, Gabon Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific...
Ivorian seed producers trained in quality rice seed production at AfricaRice M’bé Research Station
About 30 Ivorian seed producers participated in a training workshop organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
AfricaRice launches free mobile app for rice weed control in Africa
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire | 5 April 2018 -- The Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) has launched a powerful new decision-support tool, called...
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